Welcome to FVB

During the COVID-19 pandemic, FVB Energy Inc. is taking all precautions advised by public health authorities for the purpose of keeping our staff and customers healthy whilst continuing to support our clients and provide consulting engineering services in a timely way. At this time, our operations are NOT impacted, all staff remain healthy. In the immediate future, international travel has been halted and domestic travel curtailed; we will continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation and make adjustments as appropriate. All our staff know the early signs of this disease and how to protect themselves and others as advised by health authorities. We are confident that with the appropriate precautionary measures including telecommunications and remote work arrangements, we will continue to deliver the same high quality, specialized serves that FVB Energy is recognized for.

For over 40 years, FVB has planned and designed a wide range of district energy infrastructure in Europe, North America, the Middle East and beyond.  Our engineering expertise is firmly rooted in the real world; moving beyond feasibility studies and conceptual designs, FVB has served as detailed design engineer, construction manager, commissioning engineer on many projects, as well as providing management consulting services to operating district energy systems to improve operating results and customer service.

Because of FVB’s extensive district energy experience, we can move quickly to identify reliable and cost-effective technologies for meeting energy requirements in the study area. Further, our engineering work is informed by our understanding of the business implications of design decisions.

FVB is assisting the Government of Canada in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, reducing costs, and increasing the safety and reliability of the federal District Energy systems that provides heating and cooling to more than 80 buildings and approximately 2 million square meters of building space in the National Capital Area. Under the Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP), through Public Works and Government Services Canada, the current steam-based system will be converted to a low temperature hot water technology. The ESAP will lower emissions by 60% – equivalent to taking 21,000 cars off the road.

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