Low Carbon Technologies

Technologies that Benefit from District Energy


Utilizing energy from biofuels works much better at larger scales due to the complexities and costs of transporting, storing, and vaporizing or combusting the fuel, and capturing the products of combustion.  District Energy Systems are best suited to take advantage of bio-energy due to the larger and more consistent heating demand that helps with both economies of scale, increased run hours due to a flatter and more predictable load/energy profile, and dedicated professional operations staff.

FVB Energy’s bio-energy experience includes direct combustion of woody biomass in heat-only boilers, Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines, and steam turbine CHP systems.  We have also worked with biogas, including design of fueling stations for buses in Linkoping, Sweden. The biogas is produced from household waste, animal waste, and agricultural waste. FVB Energy’s bio-energy experience includes both direct combustion of woody biomass in heat-only boilers as well as both Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines and/or steam turbine CHP systems.  We have also worked with biogas, including design of fueling stations for buses in Linkoping, Sweden. The biogas is produced from household waste, animal waste and agricultural waste.

City of Revelstoke - British Columbia

GeoExchange/Geothermal Exchange

Geo-exchange systems, sometimes mistaken as geothermal, involve the transfer of energy to and from the nearby ground. This transfer of energy can be beneficial as the ground temperature stays relatively stable compared to the outdoor air. For example, on a cold winter day in Canada when it can reach -20°C (-4°F) outside, the ground can be anywhere between 5-10°C (41-50°F) at a relatively shallow depth of 240m (~ 800ft deep). This energy transfer takes place by burying a series of closed loop pipes that circulate water or glycol to exchange heat with the ground. This tempered fluid is then utilized by heat pumps to either produce heated or chilled water for space conditioning and/or potable hot water. These systems can be more energy efficient then air-source heat pumps which try to extract energy from the surrounding air which is much less efficient when air temperatures are low. Special considerations must always be made to ensure the heat you are pulling out of the ground in the winter, is the same as the heat you are rejecting to the ground in the summer. Any unbalance could result in the ground temperature changing over time and reducing the efficiency of the geo-exchange system.

District Energy Systems make great hosts for geo-exchange technology as the mature heating and cooling loads can provide the necessary heating and cooling demands to keep the geo-exchange systems balanced between winter and summer operation. FVB Energy has successfully integrated geo-exchange systems into many district energy systems.

GeoExchange/Geothermal Exchange
A facility powered by a combined heat and power CHP system utilizing waste heat to generate electricity.

Centralized Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are utilized all around us and we may not even know it: refrigerators stay cool by removing heat by way of a heat pump; and cars utilize heat pumps to heat and cool the cabin. Heat pump technology is nothing new but what is emerging is the development of high temperature water-to-water heat pumps. Traditionally, heat pumps could produce both heating and cooling, but the heat was too low-grade to heat our homes. Today’s heat pumps, which utilize modern synthetic refrigerants with low Global Warming Potential, can produce upwards of 85-95°C hot water while maintaining efficiency. These heat pumps are often paired with supplemental systems such as geo-exchange, sewer heat recovery, or seasonal storage systems.

District Energy Systems, particularly those looking to electrify their heating systems, can greatly benefit from utilizing large scale heat pumps as a more economical way to produce heating and cooling energy than other electrical heating equipment. Heat pumps are often best utilized to produce baseload heating and cooling energy, which is easier to scale up at a district level. District Energy systems, particularly those looking to electrify their heating systems, can greatly benefit from utilizing large scale heat pumps as a more economical way to produce heating and cooling energy. Heat pumps are often best utilized to produce baseload heating and cooling energy which is easier to scale up at a district level.

Marham District Energy Large Scale Heat Pumps
Deep Geothermal

Seasonal Thermal Storage

Thermal storage systems can take all shapes and forms. The basic idea of thermal storage is to bridge the gap between thermal energy production and usage. This is beneficial when access to a waste energy stream is not coincident with the need to utilize that energy.

Seasonal storage is quite common in climates that experience four seasons where there is excess cooling energy in the winter and excess heating energy in the summer. By storing this energy seasonally, these energy sources and demands can be synchronized to greatly improve system efficiencies. As building thermal storage with adequate insulation can be quite costly and space prohibited, it can sometimes be beneficial to look for natural storage opportunities such as aquifers, abandoned mines, etc., as this can help reduce costs and takes advantage of the earths natural insulating properties.

Seasonal Thermal Storage
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