Client: City of Windsor
Year: 2016-2019
Project Highlights
- 820 kWe containerized CHP with 893 kWth recovery
- The project achieved specific metered and verified savings to achieve the IESO PSUI funding
- Exterior CHP installation was coordinated with facility operation to minimize disruption
- Budget: $3.1 million
Thermal Energy Recovery using CHP in Windsor’s Olympic swimming pool
FVB was selected to conduct the engineering study for the City of Windsor’s third CHP plant, aligning with City’s commitment with the Local Distribution Company ENWIN to achieve electrical savings for the Windsor International Aquatic Centre while recovering heat. FVB modelled the electrical and natural gas facility data and load duration curves alongside with CHP performance to optimize the selection of the CHP for maximum efficiency and capacity.
The study resulted in the installation of an exterior 820 kWe Containerized CHP that reduces the peak electrical load and consumption by 5700 MWe hr/yr, while recovering thermal energy for utilization in the Olympic swimming pool and building heating system. To accelerate the schedule, FVB provided pre-purchase support to the City of Windsor allowing for the long-lead procurement of the CHP to advance during design and tender stages, so the CHP would be ready for the successful contractor upon installation contract award.
The project involved coordination with ENWIN and Hydro One for interconnection as well as coordination with an existing 325 kWe rooftop solar PV installation. FVB and the City of Windsor worked with CLEAResult to ensure the installation achieved its reported performance at commissioning and at year end to receive the Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) PSUI incentive funding (approximately $1.2 million). The installation enabled further electrical behind the meter resiliency for facility operation during electrical blackouts.
FVB supported the City of Windsor to implement an architectural screen to blend with the City’s aesthetic image of the International facility.
FVB Energy provided full engineering, tender support, construction review and commissioning support services to the City of Windsor. Additionally, FVB coordinated with all relevant third parties to ensure compliance and seamless execution.
More Information
Visit City of Windsor
CHP, SCR, Energy modeling, Load Duration Curve, Heat Recovery, Cogeneration, behind the meter