Hospital for Sick Kids Heat Recovery Chillers

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Screenshot 2024-06-26 144315
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Client: Hospital for SickKids

Year: 2020

FVB Energy was tasked with providing comprehensive advisory services to SickKids, to optimize their cooling strategy for the PGCRL research building. The project aimed to optimize energy efficiency, reliability, and sustainability while meeting the hospital’s demanding cooling requirements. The key decision lay between connecting to Enwave’s district cooling system or upgrading SickKids’ existing cooling system.

FVB conducted a thorough assessment of SickKids’ current cooling infrastructure, including energy consumption patterns, operational efficiency, and environmental impact. FVB analyzed the feasibility and benefits of connecting SickKids to Enwave’s district cooling system. This included assessing the potential energy savings, reliability, and long-term cost implications. FVB evaluated the option of upgrading SickKids’ existing process chillers. This involved examining various chilling technologies, assessing their energy efficiency, reliability, and compatibility with the hospital’s infrastructure. FVB conducted a detailed financial analysis comparing the capital costs, operational expenses, and return on investment of both options over the projected lifecycle.​

Based on the comprehensive analysis, FVB provided SickKids with clear, data-driven recommendations outlining the most viable and beneficial option tailored to the hospital’s specific needs and goals. SickKids received actionable recommendations to guide their decision-making process, enabling them to make an informed choice between connecting to Enwave’s district cooling system or upgrading their process chillers. Enwave’s proposal resulted in very little financial benefit and there was a risk associated with what electrical rate structures will be in the future. FVB recommended the replacement of the process chillers and re-configuring the piping and pumps of the heat recovery / condenser water system.

By evaluating the options of connecting to Enwave’s district cooling system versus upgrading process chillers, FVB empowered SickKids to make a decision that aligns with their objectives of efficiency, reliability, and sustainability, ultimately contributing to improved operational performance and enhanced patient care.

After guiding SickKids through the decision to upgrade their process chillers with innovative heat recovery solutions, FVB Energy took charge of designing the system, overseeing construction, and ensuring a seamless commissioning process.​

Heat Pump, Decarbonization, Electrification

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