Client: Hamilton Community Energy/Enterprises
Year: 2003 to Present
System Highlights
- 12 Connected Buildings, over 2M sq. ft. of commercial, institutional and residential customers
- 3.5 MWe of Combined Heat and Power to produce over 85% of system hot water
- Seamless Integration of Energy Centre into Surrounding Architecture
Low carbon, high efficiency heating and cooling for Downtown Hamilton
A District Heating system has been supplying parts of the downtown core of the city of Hamilton since 2003. Hot water is distributed throughout the downtown core supplying heating to notable customers like First Ontario Centre (former Copps Coliseum), Lister Block, Jackson Square and City Hall. The Hot Water distribution system utilizes European Standard (EN 253) thin-walled steel pipe, insulated with PUR insulation, HDPE outer jacket and a built-in leak detection system.
The District Energy Plant is located adjacent to Sir John A MacDonald High School at the northwest corner of Bay Street and York Boulevard. This unique location at “the entrance to Hamilton” requires that the plant structure be attractive and eliminate the noise created by the reciprocating engine. Natural gas fired boilers within the plant produce hot water for the District Heating system. An additional feature is the incorporation of 3.5 MW of gas fired combined heat and power engine into the plant design. The engine can produce over 85% of the District Heating System’s hot water on an annual basis. The entire plant can island itself during any grid interruption and provide electricity to critical buildings in the Hamilton area.
The entire system is owned and operated by Hamilton Community Energy, a for profit commercial enterprise that is a subsidiary of Hamilton Utilities Corporation.
The motivation behind Hamilton Community Energy pursuing a District Energy system was to launch a whole new infrastructure in the downtown core to provide highly competitive, efficient and environmentally responsible thermal energy to deliver a competitive edge in attracting new development.
FVB Energy was involved in the project from the very first feasibility study to the detail design of the Plant, Piping and Building connections.
More Information
Visit Hamilton Community Enterprises
System Profile, CHP, Energy Centre, DPS, ETS