Client: Department of National Defense
Year: 2023
Project Highlights
- 90% GHG Emissions Reduction vs. Baseline Target
- Fully Integrated Design-Build Execution with Black & McDonald
Developmental Design Build project to Demonstrate Scalable Green Heating
FVB Energy is assisting the Government of Canada in reducing its Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by at least 90% below 2005 levels by 2050. Specifically, 60% of the energy requirements at Department of National Defense (DND) facilities is for space heating, of which 90% is generated from burning fossil fuels. The challenge of this project was to propose and design a solution to convert an existing building without requiring a major building retrofit and demonstrate the GHG reduction over a two year operational period. The existing building was located at CFB Kingston in Ontario.
FVB’s solution was to provide an external heating plant facility that will not only serve the demonstration building but was designed to potentially serve an entire district node of the base. The plant concept consisted of air source heat pumps (ASHP), boosted by water source heat pumps (WSHP) with thermal storage on the low and high temperature loops. Condensing hot water boilers will be used for redundancy, fuel diversity and temperature top-up as required. The thermal storage tanks will allow for the thermal production to shift to times of low grid emissions (e.g. night) and to smooth out times when the ASHPs may be unavailable. There will also be solar PV capacity installed on the existing building’s roof.
The design was completed in 2023 with additional design work completed in early 2024 to future-proof the concept for expanded export capacity. Currently, the project is under construction under a Design-Build venture between FVB and Black & McDonald. Construction is expected to finish in 2025 and the demonstration period will occur over the next two heating seasons following that.
More Information
Visit Green Heat Low Carbon Energy Generation
View Green Heat Test Drive video

Decarbonize, Design-Build, Thermal Storage, Heat Pumps